Results 8 issues of Francesco Posa

Hello, How can I do a select using group by statement?


Hi guys, I am having some problems with the configuration of **MQTT throw SSL**, below description and useful code. ### Description I am trying to include moquette in my Java...

This is a dummy PR to test the workflow. I'll update it once changes on Federated Learning to implement WS are completed.

Hi, I'm trying to use the CircularProgressButton, but I receive this error: Caused by: android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #147: Binary XML file line #147: Error inflating class Caused...

I can easily read or write data, but what about user authentication data?


Hi, I'm reading []( and in section 2.2 it seems possibile to use P0.00 as Analog Input. Is it possibile? Which is its name? Thanks

Hello, I'm trying to compile the library to be used in python, but I'm receiving an error while trying to import it with `import pywraps2 as s2`: `Traceback (most recent...