Florian Quirin

Results 316 comments of Florian Quirin

Just reproduced the same error on a brand new Armbian installation, Python 3.9.2, aarch64, Kernel 5.10

I've built a Coqui-TTS Docker image using Python 3.10 that works on aarch64/arm64: https://hub.docker.com/r/sepia/coqui-tts . Still can't get any Python 3.9 version to run TTS.

Hi Dirk, bezüglich GPS, versuch mal diese Konfiguration: ``` { "headless": { "device": { ... "deviceLocalSiteData": { "location": "", "type": "", "name": "", "index": "", "updates": "off" }, "deviceGlobalLocation": {...

>ich habe es jetzt mit "deviceGlobalLocation" probiert und die "location" Sektion gelöscht. Trotzdem kommt ich kann deine Position nicht bestimmen. Sind die Nachkommastellen begrenzt, weil du in deinem Beispiel nur...

Hi Dirk, sorry hat etwas länger gedauert diesmal, hatte Urlaub und habe dann noch eine kurze, kreative Pause eingelegt :-). Ich sehe kein Problem in der settings.js. Hast du schon...

For me it was resolved with what I found out here: https://github.com/apache/cordova-android/issues/1463#issuecomment-1219619306 Since it works on the clean test app, I'm assuming the remaining bugs are specific to individual setups.

Hi Desmond, the dev branch is always the latest version and should be from around June. I was pretty close to a new release, but then I decided to take...

I had a similar problem never getting any disconnect event. Maybe this will help someone: I'm using the lower-ish level method `websocket.receive()` instead of `websocket.receive_text()` etc. and I never got...

@asyschikov how does your client leave? Some error event? Because the receive method should usually see the `message_type == "websocket.disconnect"` event and if the internal states don't fit it should...

Hi @FerLuisxd , do you handle recording and (optionally) resampling already? Because I don't know how that works in Node.js, but large parts of the [SEPIA web-audio lib](https://github.com/SEPIA-Framework/sepia-web-audio) should still...