Florian Quirin

Results 316 comments of Florian Quirin

@gooofy , @ckobus , @ammyt I'm pretty confused about the phoneme set as well right now. When I have an IPA result do I use SAMPA, X-SAMPA, [Conlang X-SAMPA](https://www.vulgarlang.com/ipa-x-sampa-cxs-converter/) (the...

Hi @abdullah-tayeh , thanks for the note :-) I followed the breadcrumbs and I think they lead to `ipa2xsampa`, but looking at the translation table it differs at least in...

hey @gooofy , yes that's where I found `ipa2xsampa` but when I compared it to [Gruut-IPA sampa conversion](https://github.com/rhasspy/gruut-ipa/blob/master/gruut_ipa/sampa.py) I realized its using the wrong apostrophe for "primary stress". So far...

Thanks for the explanation @gooofy ! I tried to search for info about "AFAIR" before but couldn't find anything ^^. I can't say that I fully understand how to work...

Ok weird, shouldn't there be a clear set of characters and conversion rules for IPA to X-SAMPA? :confused: I was planning on using espeak-ng IPA (`espeak-ng -v de -x -q...

To be honest I don't understand this IPA normalization table entirely :thinking: . For example those characters: ``` u'ɾ' : u'ʁ', ... u'ŋ' : u'ɳ', ``` All 4 of them...

Thanks again for the background info. I see now, its not a trivial problem to solve :grin: . So, back at the drawing board, what's actually the best way to...

> ... would like to move away from scriptProcessor It's still everywhere although it was deprecated years ago :sweat_smile: , one reason I built the new web audio lib. Its...

@pavlonadolynskyi yes, I just tested it on Mac OS 12 and iOS 16.0.3 and can confirm that it's broken now. iOS Safari will at least record well for about 4s...

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