I reopen the issue #39. Loading example_database.json seems not possible if using postgres. 1) Postgresql, with no database: $ dropdb base_django01 $ python manage.py syncdb --noinput --all ... psycopg2.OperationalError: FATAL:...
Thank you for reporting an issue about Pluto! Let's get it fixed! # To report an issue, you need two things: 1. 📹 A video recording demonstrating the problem: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/359819/169024428-3fb1c0b3-f97b-4714-b39f-b813468f4e1f.mp4...
## Description Djangocms-installer ```djangocms``` command should install only working configurations with package versions requirement specified using ```==``` instead of ```>=```. Today, a ```djangocms mysite``` site is buggy due to https://github.com/django-cms/django-cms/issues/6980...
## Description On PythonAnywhere or Heroku servers the working directory is the home. BASE_DIR should be prepended to project.db NAME path. ## Steps to reproduce See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56283143/django-cms-error-cms-urlconfrevision-on-deployment and https://django-cmsworkspace.slack.com/archives/C01EBCEK49E/p1621336250002400 for...
"w", the mother of all Faddeva functions, can be useful. This function is named wofz in python/scipy (Cf. http://ab-initio.mit.edu/wiki/index.php/Faddeeva_Package). It is called faddeeva_w in this PR.
- .travis.yml is modernized - test/cauchy.jl permits full coverage: https://coveralls.io/github/fp4code/SpecialMatrices.jl?branch=fp-cauchy - src/cauchy.jl is cleaned JF updates: - not using travis anymore - handle general NTuple and AbstractArray without `collect` -...
- .travis.yml is modernized - test/hankel.jl permits full coverage: https://coveralls.io/github/fp4code/SpecialMatrices.jl?branch=fp-hankel - src/hankel.jl is cleaned, with Hankel constructor and functions inspired by SparseMatrixCSC: https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/blob/master/base/sparse/sparsematrix.jl
1) In internal URL link setting, the site choice is not taken into account. 2) The pen button is complaining that the page doesn't exists (coherent with 1), because the...
When a complex function of a complex variable is differentiable, `@define_diffrule` can be replaced with `@define_complex_diffrule`. Then both `diffrule` and `complex_diffrule` will exist.
Since julia-1.10 a simple program like this one is very slow because only one CPU is used # On a 32-core computer, uncomment next line to have 3200% CPU workload...