Same problem. In addition to the instructions, I have installed psycopg2: pip install psycopg2 and added these lines to manage.py: #To get all sql queries sent by Django from py...
The problem is clearly decribed here: http://jesiah.net/post/23173834683/postgresql-primary-key-syncing-issues First, 367 rows of "cms_placeholder" table are filled giving the "id" column: INSERT INTO "cms_placeholder" ("id", "slot", "default_width") VALUES (1, 'body', NULL); ......
A certainly dirty workaround is to patch the file cms/models/pagemodel.py adding at the begining of the method Page.rescan_placeholders() the lines: ``` from django.db import connection cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT setval('cms_placeholder_id_seq',...
The django-cms bug was fixed indeed in version 2.3.8 (2.3.7 still contains it).
We can think to implement raw original C-functions with relerr argument as faddeeva.z(z, relerr), faddeeva.erf(z, relerr), etc. Hence the choice of faddeeva_w instead of faddeeva. But capitalized form Faddeeva.z(z, relerr),...
If we choose to withdraw this PR, maybe the documentation can be completed to say that _w_ function (as python scilab.special.wofz) can be defined by the user as erfcx(Complex(imag(z), -real(z)))....
There was a crosspost between us. As you are inclined to keep this PR, the function is renamed now.
You are right, but you need to take into account the "marketing" aspect for non specialists of thoses functions. Reading without high concentration the page http://ab-initio.mit.edu/wiki/index.php/Faddeeva_Package, Julia seems less complete...
Yes of course, @JeffFessler. I'm looking into how to "allow edits by maintainers"!
@JeffFessler, it looks like the red box on the right was already checked. Please, let me know.