Miles Egan
Miles Egan
Note from @jhurliman: ``` if you have time today, could you modify it to also check messages for a .markers field that is a list, and if the list is...
Sent convert script to @jhurliman
Here's the current script. When I convert nuscenes and play the converted file it looks a bit strange to me like parts of the scene are out of sync with...
Yeah I have a fix that seems to work. I've been trying to find something a bit more elegant but I can put up a PR with what I have...
Yeah I agree if we're going to do something like this it would make sense as part of the migration to the sidebar. Then other panels could benefit from the...
Do we want to make lz4 optional as well or just zstd?
@amacneil Selecting the first personal layout is a lot harder because those can be in a variety of different syncing states.
> Apparently "just select one for me" is difficult but I'm trying to understand why. It's not difficult to just select one of whatever we may have managed to sync...
Note - this doesn't seem to reduce the binary size by very much.
@mrkline It seems like it would be similarly straightforward to also make lz4 optional, right?