Foucauld Degeorges

Results 25 issues of Foucauld Degeorges

Starting from an empty dict, I might make assignments like this: ```python glom.assign({}, "a.0.b", "value", missing=?) ``` The result I expect is the following: ```python { 'a': [ { 'b':...

I am trying to investigate a timeout issue at the "waiting for DNS refresh" phase. I tried to specify a debug log level in the dehydrated config file as specified...

Hi @rickpastoor, I took it upon myself to fork this extension for my company, as we really liked its simplicity and speed but needed two extra features: - post-estimation points...

Le module SIMON est nommé d'après le jeu d'enfant "Simon Says", qui s'appelle en français "Jacques a dit". Je propose donc de le traduire par JACQUES.

**Do you want to request a *feature* or report a *bug*?** A feature (a warning) **What is the current behavior?** package.json: ``` { ... "dependencies": { "some-command": "latest" }, "scripts":...

Je n'ai pas compris cette colonne en remplissant mon salaire. Certains l'ont visiblement prius comme un niveau d'études, d'autres comme un niveau de poste.

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good first issue