Hi! I created a new plugin for IntelliJ/Android Studio to detect code that is annotated with `@Experimental` or `@Beta` annotations and show an icon on the gutter. Can you add...
I'm trying to run `molecule-vagrant` in my project but I get this error: `ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'molecule'`. I'm using: ``` $ python -V Python 3.8.9 ``` The installed packages...
Add certificate properties to include information such as when it was issued, the SSL extensions, the issuer, subject etc.
I installed packages and trying to build the project, but got this error: ``` > @dydxprotocol/[email protected] clean_contract_json /Users/javier/Projects/solo > ts-node ./scripts/CleanBuild.ts /Users/javier/Projects/solo/node_modules/ts-node/src/index.ts:434 return new TSError(diagnosticText, diagnosticCodes) ^ TSError: ⨯ Unable...
As Google says in his documentation: >A robots.txt request is generally cached for up to one day, but may be cached longer in situations where refreshing the cached version is...
Use docker-compose v2.4 and use limit_mem directive
Like `ftp://ftp.example.com/robots.txt`
Like `dissallow`, `disalow` etc