`Permissive` not show the hint in the AS because the method `PermissionsGrantedListener#onPermissionsGranted()` throws a `SecurityException`, when `Dexter` method `PermissionListener#onPermissionGranted()` not.
thank you both for your responses. Installing `ansible-core` in my virtual environment does the trick 👌🏼 should we add `ansible-core` to `install_requires` as you say @apatard ? I saw other...
Currently is not a supported feature. If you want to contribute, you need to modify [this](https://github.com/fooock/jshodan/blob/master/src/main/java/com/fooock/shodan/ServiceCreator.java#L64) class in order to allow pass objects of type `Proxy`. If you want a...
[RFC 2616 - Section 13](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616#section-13)
[Documentation](http://www.jetbrains.org/intellij/sdk/docs/basics/getting_started/plugin_compatibility.html) for plugin compatibility with IntelliJ Platform Products
Seems that Infura has weird behavior when I make a post request to check gateway writable state. If I execute `curl -v -X POST https://ipfs.infura.io/ipfs/`: ``` > POST /ipfs/ HTTP/1.1...
The question in Infura community docs: https://community.infura.io/t/post-request-to-ipfs-gateway-returns-405/454