fontamsoc I am attempting to build [FonTamSOC]( targeting NexysA7. `symbiflow_place` exit with code 1 Find full logs at: Steps to reproduce failure: ``` # clone verilog sources: git clone... Hello, I am attempting to build [FonTamSOC]( targeting NexysA7. However, `symbiflow_synth` fails with `ERROR: Incorrect period value` at the end of the logs. Steps to reproduce failure: ``` #...
Is it possible to adjust burst-length in order to widen data path ? Specifically, I would like to widen the data port of the DDR2 controller used with NexysA7 (aka...
wb_ctrl ports of ECP5 litedram_core generated for OrangeCrab02-25F failing when user_ports is native
I am successfully using litedram_core on OrangeCrab02-25F when user_ports is wishbone, however when user_ports is native, liblitedram fails to initialize the controller through its wb_ctrl ports. Here is litedram_core generated...
I am looking to port tinycc to the PU32 instruction set described at: PU32 uses following ABI: How to describe the ABI when porting tinycc ?
In my LiteDram yaml file, I am using Wishbone user port as follow: ``` "user_ports": { "wishbone_0" : { "type": "wishbone", }, }, ``` The generated Wishbone port does not...