Farzad Nozarian
Farzad Nozarian
Hello, I tried to reproduce ego-motion npy files for the KITTI tracking sequences. I used both [kitti_to_rosbag](https://github.com/ethz-asl/kitti_to_rosbag/blob/master/kitti_to_rosbag/src/kitti_parser.cpp#L507) and [KITTI360Scripts](https://github.com/autonomousvision/kitti360Scripts/blob/master/kitti360scripts/devkits/convertOxtsPose/python/convertOxtsToPose.py) to convert oxts seq files to poses. I also transformed them...
Due to an issue with `TrafficManager`, a Carla server is started for the first instance of `CARLASimulator` and it is shared between all instances of `CARLASimulator`. In other words, all...
Is there any way to run the code on a machine with no display system (i.e., headless server)? I tried [this link](http://www.pygame.org/wiki/HeadlessNoWindowsNeeded) to run the environment in a headless mode...