运行paddle.utils.run_check()就是这个错误了 wsl2+cuda11.7
i meet the same error. @YangYangGirl's code is right. thanks!
1)run this command before run your train code: ``` nohup python -m visdom.server & ``` 2)Environment:select 'faster-rcnn', not 'main'
@ziyuwzf faster-rcnn算法,据我了解,除了mmdetection和maskrcnn-benchmark,其他的似乎都没能实现批量训练吧,都是默认batchsize=1. 这是我的粗浅了解,未必正确
这个我也不知道:) ---原始邮件--- 发件人: "xxxxxxxiao"
网站采取了一点反爬虫措施,必须要加上“请求体”(概念请百度自行搜索): headers={ 'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.0', 'Referer':'' } 然后把 response = requests.get(url).content 改为 response = requests.get(url,headers=headers,timeout=10).content User-Agent:告诉网站我是谁; Referer:告诉网站我从哪里来。 对不起,我们骗了网站!!!
@brilee thanks for your reply! I have a questi :how to deal with Residue and Double live?result is correct? ##################################################################### def score(self): 'Return score from B perspective. If W is...
@brilee thank you very much! I am English very poor, I speak Chinglish ^_^ yes, I mean that "double live" is Seki .