MuGo copied to clipboard
RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
policy.py第110行: for name, thing in locals().items(): 应该改为: for name, thing in list(locals().items()): 否则会出现异常RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
Thanks for the comment. I don't work on MuGo anymore. You can see my latest work at
@brilee thanks for your reply! I have a questi :how to deal with Residue and Double live?result is correct?
def score(self):
'Return score from B perspective. If W is winning, score is negative.'
working_board = np.copy(self.board)
while EMPTY in working_board:
unassigned_spaces = np.where(working_board == EMPTY)
c = unassigned_spaces[0][0], unassigned_spaces[1][0]
territory, borders = find_reached(working_board, c)
border_colors = set(working_board[b] for b in borders)
X_border = BLACK in border_colors
O_border = WHITE in border_colors
if X_border and not O_border:
territory_color = BLACK
elif O_border and not X_border:
territory_color = WHITE
territory_color = UNKNOWN # dame, or seki
place_stones(working_board, territory_color, territory)
return np.count_nonzero(working_board == BLACK) - np.count_nonzero(working_board == WHITE) - self.komi
##################################################################### Looking at this code, I feel there is no distinction between Residue and Double Live, the remnants are regarded as double live, so it seems very problematic to calculate the winning or losing?
How to deal with it?
thank you very much! I am English very poor, I speak Chinglish ^_^ yes, I mean that "double live" is Seki .