AFAIK the helper `FloatTypeHelper` is not tested directly but many tests cover it since it is used everywhere (`DisallowFloatInFunctionSignatureRule` and `DisallowFloatInMethodSignatureRule` for my use case). Without my modification in `FloatTypeHelper`,...
> @fmata so, to be clear, if we drop the changes to `FloatTypeHelper`, CI should go red, right? Absolutely. Tests are successful on my side but didn't run here :innocent:
Ouch, c'est un sacré changement cassant :fearful: Un fichier serait très apprécié ainsi qu'une date approximative de publication sur NPM car ça va nous demander pas mal de temps...
Je comprends bien l'idée de ces changements et je vais dans ton sens. Mon message avait surtout pour but d'avoir de la visibilité sur les développements futurs et pour planifier...
@oschwald may you merge & release this please ? It's impossible to test our implementation using `Reader` without interface fully compliant.
Hi @oschwald, my code depends on `Reader` I have no reason to subsclass it to make a wrapper doing nothing. Althouth this can be useful for testing purpose, I think...
When you add a new method, you can always create a new interface that extends `ReaderInterface` and merge the two in the next major version. Ex : Now in 2.x...