j. eizmendi

Results 7 comments of j. eizmendi

I will try to take time to make that as it's begin to be heavily required. Is there someone already working on the Svelte implementation ?

Okay @brikis98 I fork the project, push the modifications and I will link it to this issue. This is a tool which each devops should use if they use github...

Hi, You can achieve that by adding to the `Uploader` a new custom method which return the data from your image picker then pass this method to the constructor of...

Pheww @buhrmi hero 🚀🤘

@wmonecke you could take a look on this [example](https://stackblitz.com/edit/vitejs-vite-dofkxp) on stackblitz and [answer](https://stackoverflow.com/a/70314031/774432) on stackoverflow to check if it fit your needs.

@tobisalad thanks for the comment. I can remember a [discussion from 2017](https://processwire.com/talk/topic/15345-%E2%98%81%EF%B8%8F-duplicator-backup-and-move-sites/page/4/#comment-157247) with @adrianbj about this subject. I need to check the code and the commits and I will be...

Ok thank you. I don't remember right now why I coded this feature to only works when the setting `Local Folder` in ON. I will check it and will also...