Flutter Painter

Results 23 issues of Flutter Painter

Hi Ray, Thanks for sharing this great package, I run a few tests but fail to see how to use ResponsiveRowColumnType, Could you please enlighten me ?

Hi @giandifra ! Congrats on the advances on the repo. Here is what I get from debug : "The Gradle failure may have been because of Android." https://flutter.dev/docs/development/packages-and-plugins/androidx-compatibility

Hi @alumae, Out out curiosity what was the incentive to move to icefall ? Did you experience better results, easier set-up ?

Could you please provide a recipe for [FLEURS](https://arxiv.org/abs/2205.12446) / [xtreme_s](https://huggingface.co/datasets/google/xtreme_s) ?

JoeyNMT looks great ! But if I compare it to OpenNMT I see little info on how to serve the model. I presume I could reuse the doc from OpenNMT,...

Based on https://github.com/OpenNMT/OpenNMT-py/issues/638 I suppose this is not possible to export to onnx using OpenNMT-tf either, But since libs are different and the [onnx repo](https://github.com/onnx/tensorflow-onnx) is different I had to...

Hi, I am eager to learn more about cbl-dart advantages and drawbacks. Is it possible to it cbl-dart with other dart/flutter databases ? This article for example compares CRUD perfs...

Did you look at : https://github.com/usmannaushahi/usb_thermal_printer_web ?

Can this be used to generate three degree list such as below : - Header 1 - sub header 1 - sub header 2 - onClickSelect 1 - onClickSelect 2...