
Results 8 issues of floydback

You write > Fast mp3 encoder written in JavaScript. On my machine it works 20x faster than realtime but I have a problem with it. I have demo.mp3 file with...

Hi! In my project users votes every day a lot (about ~5000 votes). User can voted for post only one time. So, I have a simple code > @post.liked_by current_user...

Great work! Seems it's work even faster then it's old version by https://github.com/also I try to render audio with OfflineAudioContext and it's work fine on Chrome and Opera. But Safari...

> make > c++ keyfinder_cli.cpp -std=c++11 -Wall -lkeyfinder -lavcodec -lavformat -lavutil -lswresample -lfftw3 -o keyfinder-cli > keyfinder_cli.cpp:10:10: fatal error: 'libavutil/avutil.h' file not found I have installed ffmpeg from homebrew. How...

Is it possible to use [abort](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/FileReader/abort) method?

feature request

I have installed Python 3.9.6 and ffmpeg package and just run ``` brew tap MTG/essentia brew install essentia --HEAD --with-tensorflow ``` I got something I can't understand. What the problem?...

It looks like OfflineAudioContext is not a singleton object? I think it would be great to cache OfflineAudioContext with channels/length/sampleRate params. Or not?

This library the best! This algorithm sounds better then any others. How use it in chain of nodes? > st = new soundtouch.SoundTouch(sampleRate); > filter = new soundtouch.SimpleFilter(new soundtouch.WebAudioBufferSource(source), st);...