
Results 15 comments of floydback

It seems like `importScripts` is not supported ;( I try this code inside worker function: ``` importScripts('scripts/lib.js') self.importScripts('scripts/lib.js') ``` and I get `Uncaught SyntaxError: Failed to execute 'importScripts' on 'WorkerGlobalScope'`

If you have to concat WAV blobs in browser you can decode each blob to audio buffer with **decodeAudioData** method. Then concat buffers, see this [audio-buffer-utils](https://github.com/audiojs/audio-buffer-utils)

I've create a test project on production to solve same problem. So now it's work! `vue.config.js` is very simple, just add skipWaiting ``` module.exports = { pwa: { name: 'My...

@laertispappas Yes! I relied on the fact that the unique key was added during installation `generate acts_as_votable:migration`

@laertispappas Yes you are right. I have added a unique key to DB manually and it's work. Sorry for my English. All I want to say is when I installed...

The problem is with Safari/Firefox has a bug with OfflineAudioContext + ScriptProcessorNode After startRendering renderedBuffer is empty https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47048141/dont-work-scriptprocessornode-with-offlinecontext

@sharad-s yes, it works fine with Chrome/Opera. To make audio render in Safari/Firefox I had to use _web workers_.

Same problem with (not really) large file ~180 mb / 17 minutes. Chrome error: "Pause before out of memory crash" on https://github.com/Rillke/flac.js/blob/fa9622d9b52c23574d3f3a6fdc20d614caec7a55/worker/FlacEncoder.js#L155 If I resume it in DevTool it work's...

Seems _Pause before out of memory_ error came from **EmsWorkerProxy.js** on the second line of ``` function _emscripten_memcpy_big(dest, src, num) { HEAPU8.set(HEAPU8.subarray(src, src + num), dest); //

I have the same problem, but I in my case only _canvas_ element be hidden