Update: Just found out that [OpenTerrainGenerator](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/open-terrain-generator) also allows players to change the strength of gravity on a per-dimension basis. It seems that Squake doesn't account for that value, either. It'd...
Here is [another video displaying the same issue,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sPS4yqC72I) but with the useful quality of not having been uploaded by a 9/11 truther lunatic. May make confirming / troubleshooting the video...
@mightybruno , are you still developing for your fork? It'd be really nice to get a working version of CMPDL, but yours and Vazkii's are both outdated now unfortunately.
Ah, I see! Thank you for the very quick and thorough answer, this is super helpful 😁
An extra note - the Ender Dragon has the same property with its roars and wing beats, where they're heard at maximum volume at any distance. I think it might...
This is a pretty old issue, but I thought I might mention just in case - there seems to be a mod that is able to do this, albeit in...
Update: Just got it again. Oddly, this is the third time today. I can't think of anything I've changed lately that could reasonably be expected to affect this, so I...
Perhaps one approach could be a binding which, when held, makes it so that physically hitting a block performs a right-click action, instead of causing mining progress? So for instance,...
The use case I was envisioning with this was to configure a controller that can detect different kinds of grips, such as the Index Knuckles, such that holding the controller...