Felix Kastner
Felix Kastner
Mostly typos or copy&paste errors. I also told FAIRcheckFiles to consider all mex files as known - not just linux mex files.
Complaint from [JET.jl](https://github.com/aviatesk/JET.jl): ┌ roots(poly::Vector{Int64}) @ PolynomialRoots /src/PolynomialRoots.jl:610 │┌ roots(poly::Vector{Int64}; epsilon::Float64, polish::Bool) @ PolynomialRoots /src/PolynomialRoots.jl:617 ││ no matching method found `(::Colon)(::Int64, ::Nothing)` (1/2 union split): (1 PolynomialRoots.:(:) last_nz::Union{Nothing, Int64}) │└────────────────────...
There's a new version of [`tectonic`](https://github.com/tectonic-typesetting/tectonic/releases/tag/tectonic%400.15.0) that in particular links to OpenSSL 3.x. This fixes a problem on newer Linuxes where `libssl.so.1.1` could not be found. I have no experience...
Hi, I just noticed that `clearlang` seems to be case sensitive. Is this the expected behaviour? This means that for a bib entry with `language=English` and document language `english` the...