@elsa0520 issue
/assign @Reminiscent
Currently we don't do the optimization to avoid the regression that we might miss some indexes. But we can possibly limit the case to filter where there is only 1...
@mjonss @Lloyd-Pottiger How about this? When the partition is list partition, filter is on partition key with eq condition, when there is only 1 condition, or there are multiple conjunctive...
> I prefer it is described as there are conditions the same as partition condition in order to solve partition watch_event values in ('WatchEvent','OtherEvent', ...) Looks good. @mjonss What do...
@mjonss Sounds good, let's do the filter/condition removal when the conditions match.
> We need the rule JoinToApply to do the optimization. Agree, that needs cost based cascades optimizer.
@qw4990 Can you cherry-pick to 7.5?