Nick Fitzgerald

Results 394 comments of Nick Fitzgerald

`cargo fuzz` builds Rust sources with `cfg(fuzzing)` enabled, so you can conditionally publicly export APIs based on that config if you want to fuzz them.

I could see the `libfuzzer-sys` crate supporting a way to run libfuzzer inside regular `cargo test` rather than defining `main` but I don't see `cargo fuzz` having anything to do...

We already support custom mutators:

Thanks @regehr!! Will take a look at these when I have some free cycles. Out of curiosity, can you provide some more details on what the reported "profit" scores are?

> what I'm saying is that I'm not sure that writing a parser for the pretty-printed output is the right answer. FWIW, if Hydra outputted the same text format as...

Why don’t you like the explicit pass? That seems more reasonable than CPS converting parts of the compiler to me.

Ah yeah if it is just one function, that isn't a big deal.

Agreed that this could be useful both pre- and post-regalloc. It definitely seems doable to be able to run the pass both forwards and backwards, to integrate with the instruction...

Ah yeah I must have been reading too fast because you clearly said "dataflow analysis", and I assumed you were talking about DFG construction because I had originally been discussing...

Just pushed two more commits ådding an unresolved question about how to choose which files to watch and added a `--root ` option to the proposed `wasm-pack serve` subcommand.