Filipe Alvarenga

Results 8 issues of Filipe Alvarenga

Some people reach me out reporting about some properties which aren't working when `PickerView` is implemented in an Objective-C project. The known properties with issues: - `scrollingStyle`: When its set...

help wanted

I've noticed that there's a release `2.2.0` on this repo but when I try to update it on my Podfile it says that there's no `2.2.0` version for this pod.

Sometimes the gradient color flashes while rendering on screen, I started to notice it after building it with Xcode 9.3

### Step 0: Are you in the right place? * For issues or feature requests related to __the code in this repository__ file a Github issue. * If this is...

api: storage
type: feature request

Would be awesome to have this library working on Swift 3 as well

Hey, First of all: Congrats for this awesome work! The first time I see `AsyncDisplayKit` I thought it would be awesome to have a chat library built on top of...

I'm trying to make the requests as documented on the [Wiki](, but I'm not getting any JSON as response. Is the API up and running?