AsyncMessagesViewController icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
AsyncMessagesViewController copied to clipboard

Custom bubbles from UIView

Open filipealva opened this issue 7 years ago • 0 comments


First of all: Congrats for this awesome work! The first time I see AsyncDisplayKit I thought it would be awesome to have a chat library built on top of it.

I don't have played enough with AsyncDisplayKit to being comfortable to adopt its sizing and designing techniques (i.e. without UIKit and Autolayout), and I'm have a deploy to do in the next days.

I have a .xib within a UIView designed chat bubble I would like to port to AsyncMessagesViewController. Can I use the following method to inject my custom view into an ASDisplayNode and make it works with your library?

let node = ASDisplayNode(viewBlock: { () -> UIView! in
    let view = SomeView();
    return view

(I've tried it, but I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or if it is not possible)

Thank you in advance!

filipealva avatar Nov 04 '16 20:11 filipealva