Frances Hocutt
Frances Hocutt
mwclient does a lot of work through individual API calls. Consider making this more efficient by combining API calls as much as possible (e.g. using generators and combining results: title=title1|title2|...)....
Docstrings and comments are sparse and vary in helpfulness. These could be improved, particularly some terse comments (i.e. explain why a line is "BAD.") Docstring conventions:
Add unit tests for the most commonly used and frequently updated portions of the library. This will make debugging easier and will allow the use of automated testing if desired.
Make it easy for users to find the relevant parts of the [[mw:API]] docs when they're using the corresponding method here; will help query construction and debugging.
Add a basic description of mwclient's workflow (generate lists, act on lists, check whether it can act using the API, etc...)
Documentation has gaps for discussion of Generators, but no text. This section should be especially careful to distinguish when "generators" are Python generators and when they are the MediaWiki API's...
Add a short overview section to the documentation to provide new users with an idea of the structure and possible uses of the library and add context to the RDoc--this...
Make efficient usage of API calls easier, possibly by creating a method that combines calls for multiple items (e.g. `title1|title2|title3|...`).
The JavaDoc is very sparse and has few descriptions. The library would be easier to use with more method and class descriptions.
I don't believe there are any released stats.