Felix Gerick
Felix Gerick
I'm trying to create a multivariate function with complex Laurent polynomials, but ```julia Fun((x,y)->x*cos(y),Chebyshev()⊗Laurent()) ``` yields ``` InexactError: Float64(0.5 + 6.123233995736765e-17im) Stacktrace: [1] Type at ./complex.jl:37 [inlined] [2] convert at...
Hi, I encountered the following problem: ```julia using TypedPolynomials, SymPy @polyvar x @syms a differentiate(a*x^0-a,x) ``` gives a ``` ERROR: MethodError: no method matching zero(::Type{Any}) Closest candidates are: zero(::Type{Union{Missing, T}})...
Hi Martin, I have worked with a previous version of your package and extended it a bit (different norms possible, arbitrary datatypes) during my PhD thesis. It's now in a...
```julia julia> generate_tex_elements(L"\boldsymbol{\nabla}") ERROR: TeXParseError: unexpected error while parsing at position 12 (string index 12) \boldsymbol{\nabla} ^ Stack before [1] TeXExpr :expr Stacktrace: [1] texparse(data::String; showdebug::Bool) @ MathTeXEngine ~/.julia/packages/MathTeXEngine/na9MW/src/parser/parser.jl:303 [2]...
Hi, I have trouble making an offline plot similar to the surface plot in the [documentation of WGLMakie.jl](http://juliaplots.org/WGLMakie.jl/stable/). I don't want to have sliders, just a movable camera. I don't...