Felix Gerick
Felix Gerick
Okay, I just found out it is fixed if a complex return type for the function is defined: ```julia f(x::Float64,y::Float64)::ComplexF64 = x*cos(y) Fun(f,Chebyshev() ⊗ Laurent()) ``` works! Still it would...
Is there any chance this will get fixed eventually? I tried to get this up and running, but `MultivariatePolynomials.jl` (and `TypedPolynomials.jl`) are too complex for me since they're combined with...
I assumed that it must be due to no terms in the polynomial. It came a bit of a surprise, because ```typeof(a*x^0-a)``` gives ```Polynomial{Sym,Term{Sym,Monomial{(x,),1}},Array{Term{Sym,Monomial{(x,),1}},1}}```, a very clearly defined type!
is there anything that keeps #144 from being merged?
I agree with the integer overflow check! For point 2): Can you point me to an implementation in a commonly used Julia code that does this? I'm not aware of...
I had a little weekend project to see what is possible with `MathLink.jl`. I have managed to parse most of the rules to `@rule integrate(...)`. The project is available here:...
This might be related: I have just learned that `import magic` fails in python `v3.12`, because numpy switched from `distutils` to `meson`. It all works fine on `v3.11`. An error...
I think the problem here is the syntax, because the construction of the matrix is character dependent (sensitive to blanks, i don't know the right name for this). I think...