It seems that I can open the server, but I cannot do anything on it. The following errors often occur in the console:  When I try to create invite...
### Description of the Bug The Quark mod makes block entity pushable, which makes it possible to push a chest using the Piston Scepter tool in the Cyclic mod. Pushing...
### Description of the Bug The item interaction system of the danknull mod has many bugs. For example, when transferring items, it does not check whether the original danknull still...
### Description of the Bug use the Eagle Eye spell in Ancient Spellcraft will crash the game  give @s ancientspellcraft:ancient_spell_book 1 299 another spell as well  give @s...
### Description of the Bug Some tools such as mod_lavacow:moltenpan and mod_lavacow:moltenaxe are automatically enchanted in inventory, and after using futureMC's grindstone to remove the enchantment, it will be enchanted...