
Results 104 issues of Fenhl

**Edit:** Updated project goals can be found in the discussion below, starting with [this comment](https://github.com/PistonDevelopers/hematite_server/issues/3#issuecomment-71788813). Original opening comment follows: Before we do any actual coding, we should define the project...


After making the `tokio_demo` example compile by replacing `tokio::time::delay_for` with `tokio::time::sleep`, it gives the following output: ``` we're connecting! Error: reached an unexpected EOF ``` No messages are actually sent...

**Describe the bug** Attempting to run the `devel` branch's `01_super_simple` example on a Raspberry Pi 4 fails with the error message: ``` $ cargo run --example=01_super_simple Finished dev [unoptimized +...

driver bug
dependency bug

This extends the API to accept watches for any path-like object (including `pathlib.Path`), instead of just `str`.

My code is hitting this exception: https://github.com/rbarrois/aionotify/blob/a953108b0556ba9f0dab5b1f18eae2abe19fb4a4/aionotify/base.py#L78 According to [the man page](https://linux.die.net/man/2/inotify_add_watch), `wd` is always -1 if an error occurs and the reason for the error is included in errno....

Python 3.7 was released last week. It would be awesome if berryconda3 could be updated to install it.

A plando like the following should either produce a potion shop whose exits are tied together (so that it's only reachable via a one-way connector), or give an error about...


I'm getting this error when running `cargo sweep` on Ubuntu 23.04: ``` [INFO] Using all installed toolchains: ["stable-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu", "stable-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl"] [ERROR] Failed to clean "/home/fenhl/wslgit/github.com/midoshouse/rust-ootr-utils/target" Caused by: failed to determine fingerprint...

It would be useful to have a changelog explaining the breaking changes between versions.