
Results 172 comments of Fenhl

Another option would be to store mentions in the original `` format. A similar change would also be helpful for identifying custom emoji.

I've done some more testing and it turns out the blank window bug only appears if the UI scale (Settings > System > Display > Change the size of text,...

I have the same problem, except it assumes that everything it doesn't recognize is Markdown. This is in version 3.1.4.

Is there a way to see what's going wrong at all? I'm running into this issue on macOS.

I'd like to see this since I find the references annotation distracting but would still like to use Code Lens features from outside this extension (specifically the shortcuts to resolve...

With #1008 merged, would it make sense to start implementing websocket support on the async branch?

This API still seems very limited, since it wouldn't be able to send messages on its own, or respond to a message with multiple messages. There's also a lot of...

It's hard to give a code example without knowing what the message producer API looks like, but it would probably involve [`State`](https://docs.rs/rocket/0.4.2/rocket/struct.State.html).

I tried this fix and it didn't work, so I made [an example repo](https://github.com/fenhl/ggez-text-example/tree/d57378588da7dbb5a170b90066458b657c994d5c) demonstrating the issue to hopefully clarify. Screenshot of `ex06`: ![screenshot of ex06](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/641386/149893360-d04b7d63-8523-4627-a7ef-10843093bfdc.png) Screenshot of `ex07`: ![screenshot...