This looks very NestJS-ish, maybe it might go against the idea of being a minimal framework?
having decorators would definitely make the code much more readable from my personal opinion
I and my friend were playing a hours ago, I managed to help him by: 1) Go into your YourControl installation folder, you should see a folder named `community` and...
Facing the exact same issue where it prompts me an error related to the `imagegen.json` issue I am trying to warp the whole thing under a self-hosting container environment Looking...
I manage to kinna make this work my modifying one line on the source code( #11) on my local machine and get a great result on my fishing farm 😄
Yes, it did convert my PUG file into HTML file, but somehow it puts all the HTML content on the index page, but other than that, I just work out...
👋 thank you for your time on reading my issue😄 All the CI jobs are publicly available at https://github.com/AminoJS/AminoGo/actions
Understand, GitHub is weird :joy: But the problem is when I was taking that issue's screenshot, the jobs are long finished already :thinking:
Oh yeah, that screenshot didn't show I had clicked on it :joy: But here is a video I recorded minutes ago :point_right: [Video](https://streamable.com/w18mk). And from what you see here is...
Both droplet and laptop and PC are using Node 7.5.0, and as for my droplet is using Ubuntu 16.04.1 x64,and my laptop is using OSX, and my PC is using...