Felipe Markson dos Santos Monteiro
Felipe Markson dos Santos Monteiro
> There are a couple of reasons for this, the most important being that DSS files actually are scripts written in a programming language specified by OpenDSS, not a pure...
I don't have a MacOs to test why the tests didn't pass :/
I think that the problem is this function: https://github.com/lanl-ansi/PowerModelsDistribution.jl/blob/7a6b03eb0f96d0bcd3269b7d62ffda4d7ccaf4b0/src/io/dss/dss_parse.jl#L538 Because many of the validation statements use space. E.g.: https://github.com/lanl-ansi/PowerModelsDistribution.jl/blob/7a6b03eb0f96d0bcd3269b7d62ffda4d7ccaf4b0/src/io/dss/dss_parse.jl#L554-L560 Maybe changing the space validation to the built-in Julia's function `isspace`...
Maybe, to fix this problem, the code below could be modified to check if the file ends with `.dss` and add the suffix if necessary. https://github.com/lanl-ansi/PowerModelsDistribution.jl/blob/7a6b03eb0f96d0bcd3269b7d62ffda4d7ccaf4b0/src/io/dss/dss_parse.jl#L868-L877 @pseudocubic, If you are...
> I think perhaps the better path here is to try to introduce a better error message for the user to indicate that either the file is missing or the...
Is there any update related to that? The issue with macros is a know issue and it is very annoying. See: https://github.com/julia-vscode/StaticLint.jl/issues/282 For example: ```julia @enum Foo Bar = 1...
We can use Poetry as the package and dependencies manager. See #16 and my PR #17.
> This `poetry` definitely looks cleaner than installing through pip. Does it eliminate the need for a virtualenv though? @felipemarkson Actually, Poetry uses a virtualenv to manager the dependencies. Poetry...
In a small project, without others developers pip works fine. But if you need a development environment that can be used by others developers, a dependency manager is essential.
> isnt a standard option use VENV @felipemarkson ? i never used this... Actually Poetry uses a virtual environment to manager the dependencies, it is a option to Pipenv and...