Scott Hemmert
Scott Hemmert
Yea, the prefix only applies to the core’s Output object. Any other object can set their own prefix.
Just looked at the Output code and this is still an issue. I can change it such that it will print a dash (-) for @t if it's called before...
Above the summary of failed tests in the output, you should be able to find the reasons that each test failed. If you can post those, we may be able...
merlin.Bridge is still available. These are warning that the names being used are invalid. We instituted a naming convention, which essentially requires names to be valid python names (with a...
I'm not able to run that file on my development machine because I don't have PIN installed. This is not my area of expertise, but if I had to guess,...
I'll have to give some thought to this one. This isn't actually easy to check right now and will likely take some core changes. In the example, since the ports...
I suspect this is the culprit: router.xbar_bw = "16Tb/s" With a flit size of 8B, this would create a switch clock rate of 250 GHz. If you are running in...
@sunsirui Just wanted to check if you were still having issues with this. If not, can we close this issue?
I took a quick look at the code. It's been a while since I've worked with ember and its quirks, but I think what's happening is the enqueued events haven't...
When verbosity is low, we probably need to connect any links from subcomponents to the parent component. This will give the correct structure with less internal details on subcomponents. Having...