Scott Hemmert
Scott Hemmert
This isn't the way I would fix this issue. If there are multiple ways to print (Output object versus stdout, for example), I've been trying to consolidate things into a...
I have some changes to the config class on a branch I'm working on. I'll take the new code and tweak it into a toString() function. I'll use that in...
> [edit to trim email cruft] Yes, I’m tracking master. According to Github devel is 165 commits behind master. Should I really track devel? Devel is never truly "behind" master....
Which API functions from the TimeLord are you trying to access? We are working on a new parallelization scheme for threading and have to limit access to some of the...
BaseComponent::getCoreTimeBase() will give you the timebase used by the Simulation object. If you need a TimeConverter, you can then call BaseComponent::getTimeConverter() to create a TimeConverter from it (by definition, it...
Are these BaseComponent API calls sufficient for you use cases? If so, can I close this issue?
Currently, there are currently no official conventions in the coding standards for header guards. This will be revisited as part of our ongoing work to clean up the core API...
I'll take a look. I do see references to c++17, and we are still only allowing c++11 in the core code base at this point due to some older compilers...
Thanks, that actually gives us a good start. We'll look into it.
I haven't been able to reproduce the missing stat names on my machine (Mac OS X Catalina). What OS are you seeing this on? And just to be clear, are...