使用五笔输入,导入搜狗扩展词库,使用中英混输(easy_en),同时希望使用自动造词功能。 但是一旦导入外部词库,自动造词功能就无法使用。就是说,既无法使用之前的自造词,也无法自动造新词。 下面是我的配置: ```yaml # wubi86.custom.yaml patch: translator/enable_user_dict: true # 用户词典开启/关闭、词序自动调频 translator/dictionary: wubi86_feijie # 载入扩展词库 __include: easy_en:/patch # 中英混输 easy_en/enable_sentence: false # 防止英文无意义带太极图案的词 ``` ```yaml --- # wubi86_feijie.dict.yaml name: wubi86_feijie...
**Which problem is this feature request solving?** Instance, net, and reg in the VSCode outline use the same icons, making them difficult to distinguish. This forces me to look at...
运行start_server.exe时报错。 ``` Process Process-2: Traceback (most recent call last): File "jieba\__init__.py", line 78, in gen_pfdict UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xab in position 16: invalid start byte During handling...