Friedrich Feichtinger
Friedrich Feichtinger
In order to be able to use the Webcam with Qt 5 (with the QCamera class) on ubuntu you need to install the packages: libqt5multimedia5 and libqt5multimedia5-plugins (ubuntu 14.04, 64...
some small fixes in example
I started to design a housing for the HighPower-Mechaduino in FreeCAD. The housing is designed to fit on the backside of a (dual shaft) NEMA 24 motor. The CAD model...
The text saying "I_MAX=14"next to the voltage dividers for VREF (R7-R10) is wrong. Instead it is 11.6A. U2 = U1*R2/(R1+R2) != U1*R2/R1 ;) Also I think that the cutoff frequency...
Hi everyone I want to react when an SDO message is received. e.g. if object 0x2000 is written to 1, turn on output xy. I have read something about callbacks,...