HighPower-Mechaduino copied to clipboard
Current Reference VREF
The text saying "I_MAX=14"next to the voltage dividers for VREF (R7-R10) is wrong. Instead it is 11.6A.
U2 = U1R2/(R1+R2) != U1R2/R1 ;)
Also I think that the cutoff frequency of the low pass should be a bit higher. With R9, R10=1k and C7, C8=100n the cutoff frequency is ~1.5 kHz.
For a 200 steps/rev motor turning with 2000 RPM (which is not too unrealistic I think) the step frequency (in our case: sine frequency) would be 6667 Hz. I would suggest to set C7 and C8 to 10nF instead of 100nF.