Fernanda Fossa
Fernanda Fossa
> Work out how to run DeepProfiler repeatedly with the same experiment_name but changing image input - So DeepProfiler needs an index.csv file that contains the plate, well, site, and...
> Does this work with the citation generator? Would you please add it into the supported plugins doc? https://github.com/CellProfiler/CellProfiler-plugins/blob/master/documentation/CP-plugins-documentation/supported_plugins.md Yes, it works with the citation generator. Documentation added. Just added...
> @fefossa The install instructions you added don't match the strategy we describe in https://github.com/CellProfiler/CellProfiler-plugins/blob/master/documentation/CP-plugins-documentation/using_plugins.md > > Does it not work to use the setup.py-based strategy that Callum has set...
@ErinWeisbart instructions are updated!
Now I've added the option to export the results into a CellProfiler format (within the CSVs). Because I'm on Windows I still cannot test on analysis mode if the files...
We appreciate all the discussion about RunCellpose. We hope that with the newer version of RunCellpose with docker most of these problems will be solved (new documentation [here](https://plugins.cellprofiler.org/using_plugins.html)). If any...
Hi @jenna-tomkinson > I do have one question regarding this plugin. In the CellProfiler Cellpose plugin, there are two detection modes (not including custom), which are Nuclei and Cells. In...
Based on @bethac07 suggestion, I tried to remove the callback from the subprocess and simply call `subprocess.run(cmd.split(),text=True)` but still no success in analysis mode. When I press Stop analysis, it...