Frederic Charette

Results 11 issues of Frederic Charette

I have a node class that inherits Event emitter: ``` function MyClass() {; } util.inherits(MyClass, EventEmitter); ``` This class also has it's prototype object with methods: ``` =...

Once the standard is finalized and node implementation is available, add QUIC/WebTransport support


This runs a deploy stage once all sub-builds (npm test on all major node versions) have passed. You'll need to change the npm auth token to your own: After...

## Summary v4.0.0 ### New features - Supports multiple stores (some local, some remote) #122 - Fixed a number of bugs, like deleting an entire store was broken ( `store.clear('*')`...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Sometimes it would be great to have fast, in-memory lookups, then fallback to remote (redis, for example) lookups. **Describe the...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Coalescence should happen before cache check to prevent multiple same-key checks in cache, especially if the cache happens to be...

My current settings for CORS are: ``` allRoutes: true origin: '*' methods: 'GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS' ``` When accessing the /swagger/doc route (with the default config) I don't get...

## Summary A brief overview of this PR **Ticket** : #000 ## Changelist - List of updates ## Breaking changes - List of breaking updates ## Merge Checklist - [...

## Summary A brief overview of this PR **Ticket** : #000 ## Changelist - List of updates ## Breaking changes - List of breaking updates ## Merge Checklist - [...

Systems Performance: Enterprise and the Cloud by Brendan Gregg Link: This is by _far_ my favorite tech book. It covers systems from hardware to process management. It traces the...