Frederic Charette

Results 11 comments of Frederic Charette

This is relevant to a discussion in the web server frameworks working group:

Do you have any insights on the overhead from using a full async hook solution ? In my experience it's pretty dreadfull. I'm not against the feature itself, but the...

Not (fully) doing it. I tried with `cors:true` and also by explicitly defining my cors settings, still my allow-origin field is empty. It almost seems like the cors config is...

Found the issue in sails-swagger Specifying a cors config for the /swagger/doc route overwrites the global config. I simply removed the cors property from the config object. #18

Just a bit of a left field solution: I've stumbled upon, which can handle json chunks directly from a stream, instead of concatenating the text and then deciding what...

Update on my POC: - Unfortunately, the project I was basing myself on is no longer active: and does not compile on recent Node versions. - Implementation did break...

Any update on the addon ? DevOps around the world would be reallly grateful.

You do have to install the ZMQ binaries separately. From README: ``` First install pkg-config and the ZeroMQ library. ``` What I understood from @barrettr5 's messages is that he...