Fabian Winter

Results 72 comments of Fabian Winter

Sure! Here's a fuller example: ```sql if exists (select * from sys.objects where object_id = object_id(N'[SomeSchema].[ProcedureName]') and type in (N'P')) begin drop procedure SomeSchema.ProcedureName end ``` Another way to format...

What is the plan for long subqueries? Can they be broken down according to L003, but with a larger indent?

As you can see, I already gave unit tests a whirl with this branch. However, most of the other code has a very high complexity that makes it nearly impossible...

Hi, it's been quite some time since I opened this, so I wanted to give you a heads-up that I'm still working on this, and a quick update: All of...

Thanks for your kind words and support! :) I pushed the non-working proof of concept to a [separate branch](https://github.com/fdw/Goodtime/tree/proof-of-concept) so you can have a look at it. Please remember that...

Thanks for the help, @FuegoArtificial! The main problem is that we can get `Genbi.exe` to work locally, but not on our agent. So at least the input seems good enough,...

Would it be possible to release it, please? 🙂

Yes, you're right :( I hadn't thought of that possibility, sorry. I would need that feature, so I thought it would be nicer if I also think about solutions when...

> The only way that I see is to execute all the cleanups at the end of the test-suite when I know that no other tests will still be executed....

Are there any plans to include this feature? Or has development stopped?