Fabian Winter

Results 72 comments of Fabian Winter

That would solve my problem, yes :)

This looks like a font problem with `rofi`. Do you set any font in its config?

Do you use `rofimoji` standalone or as a `rofi` mode? Apart from that, it looks like a font/display issue, as the correct character is selected. But currently, I have absolutely...

> I don't know how to pass emojis to rofi. Sorry. This should do the trick: `echo "🙂" | rofi -dmenu` And just for good measure: What are your `rofi`...

So `rofimoji` isn't the problem, but something else (I don't think that helps you 🙈). I've found something [here](https://github.com/davatorium/rofi/issues/1042), but that doesn't have a solution, either. Apparently it's related to...

You can make screenshots of `rofi` with `Alt`+`Shift`+`s` 🙂 Also, that very much looks like a font issue. Maybe [this](https://github.com/stove-panini/fontconfig-emoji/) also helps?

Good luck then! 🤞

I'll close this for now, but feel free to re-open or open a new issue if you still have trouble 🙂

Sorry, I'm not sure what you mean. Do you want to use `rofimoji` multiple times as a `rofi` mode? If so, that should already be possible.

Okay... you want to search through all of Unicode, but show only emojis at first? Did I get that right? Unfortunately, I don't think that's possible. You can specify emoji...