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[WISH] Add JSONView like beautification
That would be great to have some collor and/or collapse like a JSONView plugin.
does anyone have a strong opinion about which one we use? preferably a bower component as this is the direction I intend to take the hal browser too.
If highlighting is what you want, highlight.js is probably the best option. If other features such as collapsing elements then jsonview is the best option (that I know of). There's already a fork with the js lib only.
If you go for jsonview, one of my team members has already integrated jsonview (along with a couple of bug fixes) with hal browser, I'm going to try and have him create a pull request if that's ok with you Mike. We also added a "raw" button to toggle the beautifier on/off. We did this because jsonview, by pretty-printing the response, shows ill-formatted json (for example no quotes on links) which is an annoyance if you want to copy paste the response to somewhere else.
Are there any plans to include this feature? Or has development stopped?