Fionn Malone
Fionn Malone
Hi, sorry for the delay. Could you provide some more information on what you want to do, i.e., do you want to build a circuit to perform a UHF calculation,...
Looking again more closely, B19 is actually a typo, the amount of data is N/2*(N/2 + 1) / 2 = N^2/8 + N/4
This sounds like a bug or at least the code should not be this generic. The fourier transform of the Coulomb potential should go like 1/q like you say, not...
Also notebooks.
My strategy here is to add the examples and then go back and write a notebook comparing costs. Will require a QROAM bloq too.
We have this adder from #213.
> if you update the pretty name of ZPowGate bloq to return f'Z^{self.exponent}' What if you return f'$Z^{self.exponent}$'
Oh the issue is fractional formatting not that the label isn't rendered as latex
Serialization error: ``` python self = PrepareSparse(num_spin_orb=8, num_non_zero=65, num_bits_state_prep=12, num_bits_rot_aa=8, adjoint=False, qroam_block_size=None) other = PrepareSparse(num_spin_orb=8, num_non_zero=65, num_bits_state_prep=12, num_bits_rot_aa=8, adjoint=0, qroam_block_size=None) def __eq__(self, other): if other.__class__ is not self.__class__: return NotImplemented...
And for QPE: ``` python qualtran/bloqs/phase_estimation/ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...