Fara Woolf

Results 30 issues of Fara Woolf

> Try out this version of the Hiro Wallet - download [extension builds](https://github.com/hirosystems/stacks-wallet-web/actions/runs/2835119257). Chore PR for testing Coinbase Pay. cc/ @kyranjamie @fbwoolf

> Try out this version of the Hiro Wallet - download [extension builds](https://github.com/hirosystems/stacks-wallet-web/actions/runs/2665190924). This PR adds a new api key to our request header. Testing requires adding a new environment...

A few reports in Discord from users not understanding this error message... ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6493321/180246179-76702d70-6160-4cd6-8f80-20891d1ce03e.png) This error message should also be better shared: https://github.com/hirosystems/stacks-wallet-web/blob/3a890d665a70241a9593859ea889c2c0c897290d/src/app/common/actions/finalize-auth-response.ts#L59 https://github.com/hirosystems/stacks-wallet-web/blob/3a890d665a70241a9593859ea889c2c0c897290d/src/app/common/actions/finalize-tx-signature.ts#L29 https://github.com/hirosystems/stacks-wallet-web/blob/3a890d665a70241a9593859ea889c2c0c897290d/src/app/common/actions/finalize-message-signature.ts#L24

Enhancement 💡
P3 Enhancement ✨
error handling
📡 Broadcasting issues

As part of refactoring the buy page, we need to look at changing the action button and route that leads to the new fund page from the user home page....

Enhancement 💡
Design :gem:
💳 Purchase options

We need to provide better feedback to users when the fee estimation endpoint is slow to return estimations. We do have fallback fees in place, but sometimes it is taking...

Enhancement 💡

Issues are being reported where newly purchased .btc names are not showing up in the wallet unless reinstalled. We should look at how we are caching account names. Related issues:...

Bug 🐛
P3 Bug 🦟

This was requested in this issue bc there was a breaking change that didn't catch it: https://github.com/hirosystems/stacks-wallet-web/issues/2216

🤖 Automated test

https://discord.com/channels/621759717756370964/803293319328170024/948604001174323241 as of stacks.js >3.3.0 the bundling (main fields) is a bit different, for the same behavior as previously you will likely want to add a resolve.alias to the webpack...

After the fee estimations work, we need to circle back and add both the nonce and memo to the confirmation step before a user sends a token transfer. We need...

Enhancement 💡
P3 Enhancement ✨
Transaction signing ✍️
Design :gem: