Finn Bacall

Results 23 comments of Finn Bacall

I don't think permission should be granted by the `grant_gatekeepers_view_permission` method Instead we should look at the code that grants permissions based on the role: this code should grant...

There are still some things lying around relating to this. See: `app/helpers/api_helper.rb` `lib/seek/api.rb`

> this also leads to an inability to manage or edit the data file as opening its page when signed in redirects to an error message I've corrected this now....

Not sure this is a bug, but unexpected behavior maybe. When the checkbox is unchecked it shows assets from all projects you are a member of, regardless of the ownership...

> hey @fbacall the first one is a metadata issue - if you haven't already, I can generate a PR against that tool wrapper with the fix? Sounds good!

Maybe useful: List of tables that reference `user_id`: ``` api_tokens assay_auth_lookup asset_doi_logs collection_auth_lookup data_file_auth_lookup document_auth_lookup event_auth_lookup favourite_groups favourites file_template_auth_lookup identities investigation_auth_lookup model_auth_lookup moderatorships oauth_sessions placeholder_auth_lookup presentation_auth_lookup publication_auth_lookup resource_publish_logs sample_auth_lookup saved_searches...

Yeah, that would probably be the simplest option, and most convenient from the TeSS side. I guess it would require some manual effort on your part though.

I couldn't get the above to work in Rails 5.2, but using the `to_prepare` hook instead of `after_initialize` fixed it for me: ```ruby Rails.application.config.to_prepare do Rails.configuration.assets.paths.reject! do |path| path =~...

Right, the RO-Crate extraction does not currently attempt to match to any existing users. Agree that matching on the ORCID would be a good solution and should be straightforward to...

Hi, this issue arose from discussions with Raphael from your group. I believe after changing the path to `callback_path: "/#{callback_path}"`, we ran into #1030 , and then after updating that...