Jacob Farkas
Jacob Farkas
I think this will handle the second setters because there will only be a limited number of recent shows per artist shown in the "My Shows" section. I'm figuring maybe...
I think this also means we need a downloaded shows view somewhere so that users can see all of their downloaded shows across all artists and quickly manage them. I'm...
I think this is still a useful thing to do, and it also lets us get rid of Relisten attempting to access the photo library
Reopening. It's fine if you're done with this, but please leave this open so that someone else can handle it.
Thanks! I filed this bug on Realm to see if they have any ideas for fixing the Travis issue: https://github.com/realm/realm-cocoa/issues/6889
I just fixed up all of the build and Travis woes and pushed fixes to master. You should be able to pull out your specific changes for this from #199...
> This project......ohhh this project. The realm pod downloads static binaries that are over 50MB, which GitHub warns about if you try to push them, so we chose to ignore...
If you have time to implement chromecast that would be great! Relisten is building with the latest Xcode tools now. The `setup.sh` script should get you up and running with...
This is half implemented on the [StateRestoration](https://github.com/farktronix/relisten-ios/tree/StateRestoration) branch. I'm going to keep a list here of tasks that still need to be done: - [x] Add restoration data to all...
There's also a new TestFlight beta for the StateRestoration branch. Anyone that's interested can add themselves to it [here](https://testflight.apple.com/join/uZm4iqhA)