After the ludum dare, I realized that it is very useful to add a online highscore service for tic-80.
> I meant doing the optimization under the consumption that the constant tensors can be contracted beforehand offline. The above functionality only cache the intermediates, but the path planning might...
一般的处理方法就是把聊天记录存下来用text2vec编一下索引做一个小号google。然后聊天时用faiss查最近的vec对应的聊天记录一起喂到模型里。可以参考glm langchain这个repo。 不过这只是记笔记,模型没有真正学到东西哦
did you unzipped the .mcworld file?
Can I post my old Unity code here? I used a sphere collider for the head. ```csharp Vector3 ResolveCollision(bool resolveHead = true) { Vector3 totalMoved =; //Head Collision Resolving(?)...