fall simply
fall simply
Nuxt is a web framework not a mobile framework. Ionic projects can be generated by following [the Starting an App guide from the Ionic Vue docs](https://ionicframework.com/docs/intro/cli#start-an-app) Good luck with your...
If you're running the latest version of Full App Display, the like button in shown when you enable `Enable Extra Controls`
Spicetify Marketplace was using a modified version. Here's the link https://github.com/huhridge/huh-spicetify-extensions#full-app-display-modified
This looks like an issue with Pinceau and `vite-plugin-inspect` used in Nuxt DevTools. Try disabling Nuxt Dev Tools by setting `devtools: { enabled: false }` in your Nuxt config to...
Nuxt is a web framework not a mobile framework. Ionic projects can be generated by following [the Starting an App guide from the Ionic Vue docs](https://ionicframework.com/docs/intro/cli#start-an-app) Good luck with your...