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Source transformer enabling ECMAScript 6 generator functions in JavaScript-of-today.

Results 80 regenerator issues
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As of this writing, to my knowledge, Regenerator is essentially feature-complete, and (with #170 now closed) all the bugs that I know about have been fixed. I know I'm going...


It'd be great to be able to override the `path.scope.declareTemporary` calls used in [visit.js]( with a custom function to generate identifiers.


The current filtering regex is overly-optimistic; it should check for `async function`, not just the word `async`. With the current state of things, regenerator thinks e.g. its own runtime needs...

As @maxnordlund points out in, aliasing the `arguments` object has negative performance consequences. If you happen to transform `` parameters into ES5 `arguments`-style code earlier in your transformation pipeline...

I was playing around with the examples in the test cases and came across the use of arguments object. ``` javascript function* sum() { var result = 0; for (var...

Because is so awesome.

enhancement Thanks to Mike Shaver for this suggestion.


If I'm not mistaken, Travis CI provides `phantomjs` by default in the `$PATH` of the test environment.


We use Ember-CLI, which comes with Babel, and have regenerator and stage 0 turned on in the babelrc. We also make heavy use of Ember Data, which wraps things in...